O'Malley Moving

Time-Saving Moving Tips

Time Saving Moving Tips

Experiencing a major life event often requires moving in a hurry. You might only have a few weeks to relocate for a new job, or you may need to move out of your old apartment before the lease is up. Even when you have lots of time, you may still prefer to get your move done as quickly as possible. Adding these time-saving moving tips to your plans helps you get the hard work done faster so that you can focus on all of the exciting things you’ll be able to enjoy doing in your new location.

Purge All of Your Unnecessary Belongings

Donating or tossing items that you no longer need is often much faster than packing them up. Purging also helps you to save time and money by having fewer items to carry onto and off of the truck, and you won’t waste time unpacking things that no longer fit your lifestyle. If you’re in a real-time crunch, then you can pack and purge at the same time. Just keep a large garbage can or trash bag nearby as you clear out each part of a room. If you choose to donate or sell any unwanted items, then make sure to do so right away. Posting a sales ad or arranging for a donation pick-up prevents you from having to deal with the leftovers after you finish packing.

Grab Speciality Boxes

If you ask a moving service in Newtown Square how they get items packed up fast, they’ll tell you that one of their not-so-secret methods is using boxes that are designed for specific items. Wardrobe boxes contain bars that allow you to take your clothes directly from the closet to the box without removing them from their hanger. Dish boxes can also eliminate how much time you spend wrapping items since they’ll have individual cardboard partitions.

Get Enough Packing Supplies for All Your Helpers

Waiting for someone else to finish up with the packing tape is a major time waster. The same is also true if you need to hunt for markers or labels. You can avoid this common frustration by filling small caddies up with everything each person needs to pack. They can then take their supplies to the room that they are working in so that no one has to waste precious minutes searching for scissors.

Let the Pros Handle the Tough Tasks

When you’re in a major time crunch, you might be better off letting pros handle the entire move. Moving services in Collegeville include the option of having help with packing and unpacking, along with preparing furniture and other delicate items for the move. With their help, you can focus on the other details, such as turning on the utilities, for a seamless transition to your new place.

Find Out More Time-Saving Moving Tips

Are you eager to shave off as much time as possible from your move? Our moving crew knows how to make moving efficient and as fast as possible. Reach out for your free quote today!

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