3 Things You Should Do First When You Arrive At Your New Home

The urge to unpack all of your things and sleep after a hard day of moving may be irresistible. There are a few things you should do before you give in, however. Here are three things you should do first when you arrive at your new home. 1. Deep Clean Although it’s likely the very...

The urge to unpack all of your things and sleep after a hard day of moving may be irresistible. There are a few things you should do before you give in, however. Here are three things you should do first when you arrive at your new home.

1. Deep Clean

Although it’s likely the very last thing you want to do after moving, you need to deep clean your home. Before you start unpacking and filling it with furniture, deep cleaning your new home as it stands allows you to reach areas that may be impossible to reach once your furniture is in the home.

Deep cleaning removes any bacteria, dust, and general dirt that may be lingering in the home. Considering that other people may have been walking around the home during open houses and visitations, it’s important that you take the time to clean everything.

Once you’re done, you’ll know that the home is clean and completely yours.

2. Check Plumbing

The next important step is to check the plumbing. This is a check that you should perform before you buy the house, too. However, even if you did, something may have changed during the time it took to close on the home. Check to make sure that the sink, toilet, and shower/bath drain properly. You’ll want to look outside, too, to ensure the septic tank isn’t leaking.

3. Unpack

At long last, you can have your local movers in Berwyn help you by bringing the boxes and furniture into the home. It’s always a good idea to only unpack the essentials the first night. Leave the rest of the unpacking for tomorrow or the weekend.

Moving is exhausting, and you deserve to have a bit of rest.

Once you’re ready to tackle the actual unpacking session, you can finally start to make your new home feel like your home.

Make Moving Easy

You can make these three processes a lot easier when you choose O’Malley Moving Services to help you with your move. Because moving can be so exhausting, using movers can help you save your energy for the deep cleaning that you need to do in your new home. Give us a call to plan your move.

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Our reputation as the Main Line’s best local mover has not happened overnight. Established in 1974, Kevin O’Malley set out to build a moving company that could move residents from the best Main Line homes, establishing clients for life.