Ensuring the Safety of Your Belongings During a Move

When you’re making a move, it can be a stressful time. One of the things you probably worry about is the safety of your belongings. If a moving company doesn’t take great care of your belongings, damage is inevitable. However, there are many ways that a good moving company will safeguard your items. There are...

When you’re making a move, it can be a stressful time. One of the things you probably worry about is the safety of your belongings. If a moving company doesn’t take great care of your belongings, damage is inevitable. However, there are many ways that a good moving company will safeguard your items. There are techniques that trained movers use to make sure that items are moved effectively and without being damaged.

Furniture Blankets

One of the best ways to make sure that furniture isn’t damaged is for a moving company to use furniture blankets to put over them. This adds a thick layer of fabric to the outside so that the piece doesn’t touch anything else. Furniture and framed pictures can be kept much safer with the use of a blanket or two to protect them. Furniture that’s able to bang around and hit other pieces can mean chips and scrapes. Blankets let you avoid that so items arrive at the new home looking great.

Pack With Care

When you’re packing your items, make sure that they are packed with care so that items don’t get broken. When you’re packing any breakables, be sure to use bubble wrap or craft paper to keep them safe. It’s important to pack a box well and to keep fragile items on top. When you take care with your packing, you can get your items to their destination in one piece. Yes, a lot of packing material being used means more boxes to pack, but it’s worth it. If you’re having the movers do the packing, they will need to have plenty of bubble wrap or other materials to lessen the risk of items being damaged.

Give Yourself Plenty of Time for Packing

If you’re packing your items, it’s always better when you aren’t rushed. When you’re in a hurry and the movers are on the way, you will have to cut corners to get everything packed. This means not being as careful as you could and not putting as much bubble wrap around your items that are needed. You need to give yourself the time you need to do everything properly.

Use High-Quality Boxes

If you have the moving company do the packing, you will be buying boxes from them, and they will generally be of good quality. However, some people try to save money by using old boxes that are worn, torn, or way too thin. These boxes won’t be strong enough to keep their shape during the move. This can mean that the box will fall and cause others to fall as well. Thin, low-quality boxes can mean a lot of damage to your items.

Plastic Wrap

Another method that movers make is to wrap dressers and other items with drawers in plastic wrap. This keeps the drawers from falling open and hitting other items. It keeps everything in place so that nothing falls out of it. With local moving companies in Haverford, you can get everything wrapped that needs to be so that their items are better protected. It costs little to do this, and it doesn’t take much time.

Get A Quote On Our Comprehensive Moving Services

When you need the best moving companies in Radnor Township, choose O’Malley Moving Services. We offer a number of different moving services, and we always take care of your belongings. We want everything to arrive safely so that you’re satisfied with your move. When you want a safer move, we provide attention to detail and know how to move everything properly. We’ll help you start the next chapter of your life in your new home.


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Our reputation as the Main Line’s best local mover has not happened overnight. Established in 1974, Kevin O’Malley set out to build a moving company that could move residents from the best Main Line homes, establishing clients for life.